venerdì 11 dicembre 2009

Knife in the Toaster Dec 2009 Update "Fuck Photoshop"

New tapes will be available on Tuesday, Dec 14, but I thought I'd let you all at them before I update the website and "release" them. I guess this is a kind of pre-order. This update was fueled exclusively by X-Files Seasons 2 and 3, steak and glitter pens.

kt085: Mutant Ape - Knock and Wait / Water Growth c10 (7.50/9.00)
Long train a-comin'. The A Side of this monster is from 2007 and the B Side from 2008. Two killer slices of full-bodied, strong brew English Hell. Hard, Loud, Fast and Harsh. Built to please. Edition of 50.

kt086: Filthy Turd - Death Ejaculations c30 (7.50/9.00)
Another throwback, here: recorded in 2007, not seeing the light of day until now. The Turd-meister in a Wall Noise stylee. Edition of 50.

kt087: From the Depths of Hell's Ocean c30 (7.50/9.00)
"The sea spits up what it can't keep down." Edition of 50.

kt088: Feather Ghetto Movers - F.G.M. c?? (7.50/9.00)
Mail collab with Chris I Just Died. Swirly, harsh, chopped up mess. Edition of 25.

kt091: Various - A Room Without Doors c90 (7.50/9.00)
A tape compilation tribute to tape compilations. Featuring exclusive (or mostly exclusive) tracks from Seagull, IDX1274, Pulse Emitter, Return Trip, Portable Noise Kremator, Green Mist, Abortion Focus Group, Eraritjaritjaka and Betty. Covers jacked from an old punk bootleg and cut poorly to fit the aesthetic. Edition of 50.

The artists should have their own copies soon, so please make sure to visit their websites and consider buying these tapes from them rather than me.

All prices are postage paid and in US funds.

I'd love to trade, so drop me a line.

Lots of neat stuff planned for the new year including lots of Belgian noise, a book, a few CDrs and tapes by Robe. and Abortion Focus Group.

Paypal to knifeinthetoaster at gmail dot com


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