Fecalove - Forever Young CDr (2010 Goat Eater Arts , U.S.A.) -
In Mr. GoatEater's own words : "Italy's one-man, debauchery laden, masturbating disaster has come back to Goat Eater for his second full length release. Fecalove's signature cut up junk noise has only gotten better with age. This is what I'd imagine it would sound like to over-dose on viagra, cialis, levitra and vodka martinis. The usual squalling feedback and in-the-red amplified implements are all there but this release is punctuated by tense silences, off kilter tape and electronic manipulations, tortured and effects laden vocals and bass heavy rumblings. I'm not sure that I'd be comfortable saying that Nicola Vinciguerra has matured but he has most definitely grown into something new and that something is, as usual, disgusting. " - Sounds of summer . Pro-CDr in cardboard sleeve with b/w printed parts on transparent paper : class ! Limited to 93 copies .
Europe 9 €
World 10 €
paypal to : gurkeroboter(at)gmail(dot)com
Track #2 "Beer" sample here :
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